Downtown Dollars

We are participating in the Downtown Dollars program! For $100, you can purchase $150 Downtown Dollars which are accepted at participating merchants, like K Art and Design. Culpeper Downtown Dollars may be purchased in person on a first come first serve basis only on...

Deadlines and Downtown Dollars

I hope the new year is off to a good start for you. These first few weeks after the holidays are especially challenging for our friends in retail, and restaurants continue to struggle too. Please support small businesses as you pick up gifts for birthdays (and...

RBG pop-up shop

Tony’s December tradition of 25 Days of Snowflakes included this tribute to late Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. It was so popular, that we’ve set up a pop-up shop with shirts, masks, keychains, and more! All orders must be placed by Sunday,...

Happy & Healthy Holidays!

Tony has been cutting his snowflakes again this year, but the resulting confetti is on the floor at home instead of the studio. There are just a few more days of the 25 Days of Snowflakes, but you can see all of them on Facebook and Instagram, From our family to...